
Don’t believe everything you think!

The messages we give our mind are of the utmost importance. We act as if our thoughts are random and out of control – as if they are being put into our minds by chance, fate, a higher power…anyone but ourselves. But WE are the ones who initiate each thought, each interpretation, each idea. This is the basis of changing our lives. We know that becoming an adult means accepting responsibility and the ultimate responsibility is responsibility for our thoughts. It is easy to let thoughts run away with us, but if we don’t stop to be mindful of […]

Taking the mystery out of hypnosis

Why, oh why did movie makers have to show hypnosis to be something so mysterious, so controlling and even dangerous?  What a pity they gave this completely wrong impression as they sadly discouraged thousands of people from the benefit of this natural and safe occurrence.
Hypnosis is a simple phenomenon that we all naturally experience many times throughout the day for short periods of time.
The brain is a habit-forming structure and will automatically choose thoughts that require least effort and that are the most familiar. The science of neuroplasticity teaches us that the brain is indeed ‘plastic’ and that the […]

Releasing yourself from painful memories and emotions

We are all very aware of the advice that we should live in the present moment but the reality is that many of our thoughts during the day dwell on what has happened in the past.
It is impossible to clearly remember every single thing we have ever experienced, so many events and reactions are filtered out of our working memory. Sometimes we purposefully chose to repress painful thoughts and other times we are not even aware that we are carrying around pain and burdens that we could have let go of a long time ago. They become so part […]