Releasing yourself from painful memories and emotions

Releasing yourself from painful memories and emotions

We are all very aware of the advice that we should live in the present moment but the reality is that many of our thoughts during the day dwell on what has happened in the past.

It is impossible to clearly remember every single thing we have ever experienced, so many events and reactions are filtered out of our working memory. Sometimes we purposefully chose to repress painful thoughts and other times we are not even aware that we are carrying around pain and burdens that we could have let go of a long time ago. They become so part of our make up that we are unaware that life could be so much easier and freer if we could just release old resentments and hurt. Yet we hang on as if this old pain is essential to our life….and its not. Hypnosis is one of the best ways to help people to access and then to release those buried negative feelings.

Hypnosis enables the mind to travel more easily through time. Being guided thoughtfully and mindfully during this time of inner reflection enhances your ability to remember events that you otherwise might not recall. You are helped to remember specific details of an event and to observe it objectively in order to understand its meaning and significance in your life. Most of the memories revealed are not tragic or terrible but they often help heal the suffering we have felt deep inside for far too long.

It is the most freeing and positive feeling to realise that we are so much more than a collection of old painful memories and emotions. The letting go of those negative feelings can transform your life and make you feel released, positive and joyful.

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